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油画 名家 赵红斌 艺术品扫码支付系统
赵红斌,1952年出生於上海。1985年毕业於上海交通大学艺术系美术研究室;曾任杂志美编和画报总编辑;1977年至1985年八次入选北京中国美术馆和上海美术馆展; 1988年移居澳洲后为职业画家;1989年至1995年40多次获得澳洲全国美术展笫-名奖;1992年获世界最高肖像奖金达克—蒙露大赛前四名(悉尼);1993年获英国皇家第22届国际美展“欧米加现代艺术奖”(伦敦);1995年获“中国艺术界名人作品大展”铜鼎奖(北京);作品曾入选维多利亚国家美术馆、新南威尔州美术馆、悉尼歌剧院、澳洲国会大厦、澳洲艺术家国际巡回展等;1996年被选为澳洲美术大奖赛评委;参加台北国际艺博会(1995,1996),上海艺博会(1997,1999);曾在澳洲、英国、日本、新加坡、印尼和港台及中国大陆等地举办许多个展和联展,作品广为著名机构和收藏家收藏;其中,在日本70多次全国巡回展中,成为深受欢迎和深具影响力的被誉为“东方莫奈”的画家。   1994年起载入《澳洲名人录》、《剑桥国际名人传记辞典》和《世界名人录》(《Who’s Who in the World》美国);《中国艺术名家》、《-代名师》等; 出版有:《赵红斌画集》,《海外中国油画家--赵红斌油画作品》集(天津人美出版社)等。2006年,被美国约克国际大学授予荣誉艺术博士学位。 Hongbin Zhao was born in Shanghai in 1952. He studied Fine Art Research in Shanghai JiaoTong University and worked as art editor and chief editor in magazines. He went to Australia in 1988 and became a professional artist. Hongbin was granted as an “International talented artist” to receive a special permit of permanent residence and joins the Australian citizenship in 1993. From 1989 to 1995, He has won over 40 First Prizes in Australia Nationally art Competitions, including “Victor Harbor art show” oil painting first prize; “24th Ernest Henry memorial art show” landscape and portrait champion. etc. In 1992, the portrait “Dr.Geza” was chosen as the top four finalists for “Doug Moran National portrait prize” by international judge. In 1993, He has won “the Omega Contemporary Art award” in London from “the Royal Overseas League International art Exhibition”. In 1994, Portrait “Graeme” was a finalist for the Prestigious “Archibald Prize”; In 1995, He has won the Bronze medal in China’s Famous Figure Works Exhibition. His paintings have been exhibited at the Shanghai Art Museum, China Art Museum, Victoria Arts Center, Victoria National Art Gallery, New South Wales Art Gallery, Sydney Opera House, Australia Parliamentary Building, South Australia…
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