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油画;当代艺术; 名家 王耀时 艺术品扫码支付系统
王耀时Wang Yaoshi国家一级舞美设计师The state first-grade stage art designer 中国油画写生俱乐部-黑龙江省油画写生俱乐部副主席Oil painting club of china-vice president of oil painting Heilongjiang province哈尔滨歌剧院舞美设计制作中心主任Stage design center director of Haerbin opera中国舞台美术家理事China stage artist director黑龙江省舞台美术学会副会长Vice president of stage arts association of Heilongjiang province黑龙江省美术家协会会员Member of Heilongjiang Artists Association哈尔滨市美术家协会会员Member of Harbin Artists Association毕业于哈尔滨师范大学艺术系学院美术教育系Graduated from the Department of Department of Fine Art and College Art Education, Harbin Normal University中国文化投资控股(集团)有限公司China Culture Investment Holding (Group)Co.,Ltd.艺术总监:Art Director北京盛世元和文化发展有限公司Beijing Shengshi Yuanhe Cultural Development Co.,Ltd.副总经理:Deputy General Manager现任哈尔滨耀时文化传播公司艺术总监Currently works as artist director of Haerbin yao shi cultural communications 现任君科集团-君科艺苑 艺术总监Present position: Art Executive, Junke Art Gallery, Junke Group2001年 油画《雪中漫步》入选庆祝建党80周年黑龙江美术回顾展2001, his oil painting “Walking in the Snow” selected by Heilongjiang Art Retrospective Exhibition for celebration of the 80th anniversary of the founding of CPC2000年 油画《金色阳光》入选,“2000年全国优秀油画作品展”2000, his oil painting “Golden Sunshine” selected by “2000 National Superior Oil Painting Exhibition”其多幅作晶被海内外收藏家收藏。Many of his works were collect by the collector of oversea.