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李德龙,龙羽.公粟,雕龙,号如斋主人,现居北京,祖籍山东淄博。p>山东省美术家协会会员.中国艺术家联合会会员,北京泰丽光明画院签约画家。龙羽画馆执行馆长。山东曲阜师范大学美术学院绘画系国画专业,文学学士学位.2011年毕业于中央美术学院中国画专业。师从著名水墨人物画家刘庆和教授,李广平教授。主攻水墨人物,兼擅花鸟、山水。润格每平尺二千。主要学术活动:2011年北京上上国际美术馆“历史新宋庄”大型画展。2010年北京泰丽光明画院“痕迹”六人联展。2002年上海一行画廊“新文人画五人展作品参加“中国人物画9人展”(山东济南)作品参加“今日中国美术大展”(北京中华世纪坛)。2007年受邀参与当代国画绘画艺术交流活动。创作水墨人物《清晨》同年创作水墨人物组画《新生》2008年举办个人画展《墨》。作品《痛》私人收藏。2009年北京宋庄艺术区。创作主题性水墨人物《静水无尘》,并入选中国成都国际双年展。创作主题性绘画《西北魂》、水墨人物《道》、《悟》等。英文简介:Li DelongShandong Zibo peopleNow lives in Beijing Song VillageHe graduated from Qufu Normal University,Academy of ArtProfessional PaintingBachelor of Arts degreeMain attack ink characters,proficiency flowers and birds,landscapes. Where he studied under Professor Li Guangping prominentfigure painter,Professor Liu Changsheng, Professor Lin Maolandscape painters. Now lives in Beijing - Songzhuang freelanceartist2007 invited to participate in exchange activities of contemporaryChinese painting painting. Creative Ink People,“morning“ in thesame year group of creative people Ink Painting “New Life“2008Held solo exhibition, “Mexico.“ Work “pain“ privatecollection.2009Beijing Song Zhuang Art District.Bai Yi, founder of the work space. Creative Ink thematic figure“still water clean,“ and selected Chengdu, China - InternationalBiennale of Chengdu. Creation of thematic painting “Spirit of theNorthwest“, Ink People,“Road“, “Enlightenment“ and soon.